Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Modern Kids

The Museum of Modern Art (NYC version) also boasts terrific online multimedia resources, among which the Modern Kids' features stand out. Modern Kids' has terrific videos that explain iconic paintings and artists in a way that is easy for kids to understand! Perfect for the beginning of a Unit or introductory discussion of an artist.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Showing videos of artists and the artistic process is always a bonus. SFMoMA has a great archive:


Monday, August 16, 2010

First Days of School (IN AN ART CLASSROOM)

The kids look spiffy in their new polo shirts and hairdos. The hallways are decorated with "Welcome!" banners and cute displays of class lists on sea creature die-cut shapes or hot air balloons. (Yes, I teach elementary!) Your art tables are clean and free from paint and sharpie marker graffiti. And your classroom is empty as you await the first sounds of your art students for the year...

What's the most successful way to start off the year in an art class? Of course we know we need to go over the basics (rules, consequences, expectations, Big goal, procedures), but should we actually try to do any art on the first day?! Most likely you will not start any real long-term projects on the first day (especially if your class is only 45 minutes long!), but there are some ways to incorporate creativity and break out some artsy materials. Below are my ideas and links to other, please post a comment with your thoughts!

-Have them decorate the cover of their Portfolio for the year
-A Student survey that asks students to draw their answers (i.e. Draw the members of your household)
- Make a puzzle banner! I did this last year with the phrase, "ART IS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE!" and I believe Charlotte Carroll also had success with this mini project! See http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/Files/ArtNight.htm

External Links:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Amber's Websites

Amber said...

Awesome sites, Amy!

Here are some of my favorites:

And the most useful website I have found recently (courtesy of Chris Carter) is:
Here you can download the REGENTS Blue Print for Visual Art, Grades preK-12! This resource provides guidelines for creative instruction and shows exemplary projects for each grade level across media! CHECK IT OUT!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

visual stimulation

wallpaper published a list of its 40 most fabulous websites. Here are a couple of the "art" ones. To employ in your classroom as you see fit.

FFFound super cool photographs and images that link to other super cool images
Faces in Places faces... in diverse places
Space Invading innovative design and architecture
We Make Money Not Art links to international art, including video
VVORK paintings/photographs

Art History in Pop Culture: New Yorker Cover

A few weeks ago, Bob Staake created a satirical New Yorker cover that played off MC Escher's "Sky and Water."

I think cultural literacy is one of the most compelling reasons to teach art history in my classroom; recognizing an allusion (artistic or literary) makes students feel smart, aware and connected.

As well, sharing artworks like Staake's with my students permits them to see how art history extends beyond the classroom and can be used as an opener/closer or for art criticism exercises.

expanding your imagination: super art teacher/project/idea blogs

Welcome to tfART, the unofficial TFA art blog!

First post: other superior art blogs/websites to help you plan your year!
Here are a couple I know... Please add your own.

General Art Blogs:


Artist Specific:

Project Specific:

Online Art Making: